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5 reasons you should SMS your customers NOW!


You’d think – “SMS? That’s an old school way to strengthen customer relationships, for an old school business!” But, we’re here to tell you otherwise.

Here are 5 reasons why SMS marketing works for your business:

1. 98% Open Rates

Think about this – when was the last time you’ve NOT read any of your SMSes?  Even if they’re junk SMSes, you would read them before deleting it or blocking the sender.  Now, compare SMS’s open rates to the number of unopened messages in your Facebook inboxes. Emails open rates? Even worse, at only 22%. ‘nuff said.

Action: Go through your SMS inbox now and see if you’ve NOT opened any SMS.  Chances are, you have 0 unread SMSes.

2. You are the chosen one

That’s right. You are the chosen one by your customers.  The choice of giving you their phone number is an indication of 2 things: 1) They trust that you will not misuse their personal information AND 2) they are now willing participants in your promotional campaign.

Leverage on that high level of intimacy to remind your current customers that you want to offer them the products/services that they need. They could potentially return to spend in your store, if the right content is sent at the right time.

For example, you could send them a Dine-in Discount Code, just around peak meal hours.

Action: Find a way to collect customer data – offer customers an on-the-spot 5% discount/free gift (coffee on the house, coupons, discount codes, etc.) when they leave phone number.

3. You can’t throw an SMS promo away

Well…customers can’t exactly throw their phones away, can they?  Here’s the thing. Customers might only be scanning through your messages but they probably won’t delete it.  When they’re bored at work, they scroll through their SMS inbox.

And there you are, still in their inbox complete with messages to tell them that you care and that you want them back.

Action: You’re slightly convinced that SMS has almost 100% open rates, and it can be tool for you to reach out to your customers.  If you send an 160 characters SMS to your customer now, how will the SMS look like?

4. Conversion Rate Of Up To 23%

23%!  It’s crazy – but it’s true! Out of the 1000 customers you message, up to 23 of them WILL take action and SPEND in your store! Just by sending SMSes to them!

According to our customers, SMS marketing has a high conversion rate when there’s a clear call to action and limited redemption time frame.

Action: Make sure your SMS calls for a specific action (like “Shop Now” or “Redeem Now”) and states clearly an expiry date!

5. Make ‘em feel

Of course, those 23% won’t come if you don’t make them feel.  We all love receiving those “members-only” discount or vouchers from our favourite stores.  It’s the exclusivity factor – works like magic.

Action: Run members-only promotions and instantly reinforce your relationship with your loyal customers!

We hope that you now understand how powerful SMS marketing is for your business.

What other strategies are you using to keep your customers coming back?


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