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How Cafes and Restaurants Can Support Local Communities During COVID-19

lamarsa coffee logo

We’ve been seeing a surge in cafes and restaurants now providing delivery options since the MCO was announced. Not taking away from the severity and seriousness of COVID-19, but there is a positive to take away from all of this.  This pandemic basically forced business owners to become more tech-savvy and that is something we […]

Social Media Marketing: The Ultimate Guide For Restaurants & Cafes

Social Media Marketing Ultimate Guide Restaurants And Cafes F&B Business Malaysia StoreHub

How do you grow online without a marketing budget for your restaurant or cafe? With social media marketing! That’s how. You don’t need a marketing budget to grow your online presence. Don’t underestimate the power of your regular customers, because these guys are your biggest brand ambassadors. And leveraging social media allows your customers to […]

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