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6 Ways To Successfully Open A Café With A Low Budget

6 ways to open a café with a low budget

Starting a café can be daunting especially when you’re on a tight budget, but it can be done even if you don’t have much capital or even knowledge. But be sure that you’re familiar with the essentials of opening a cafe first. As long as you are passionate, have an idea or plan in mind […]

Stop Doing That! THIS Is The Social Media Strategy That Works In 2021

Stop doing that! THIS is The Social Media Strategy That Works in 2021

Looking for the best way to engage with your audience on social media in 2021?  We have collected social media strategy here! Follow these tips for better results, as you’ll attract more customers and ultimately increase SALES for your small business!  Here are the 5 effective social media strategies for 2021. Start from your profile […]

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